In October 2017, Collaborative Scotland organised a series of public events and business breakfasts and other events in the north-west of Scotland as part of our Better Conversations Bus Tour. The Bus Tour is a new project aiming to build real dialogue and problem-solving capacity, offering an opportunity to discuss in a safe space the… Continue reading Better Conversations Bus Tour 2017
Project Type: 2017 Events
A Day of Storytelling with Ken Cloke
Date: Friday, 29 September 2017 Time: Networking breakfast from 9am. Event will start formally at 9.45am and will conclude at 3.30pm. Venue: Scottish Storytelling Centre, 43-45 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1SR CPD: 5 hours Ken Cloke, one of the leading writers and thinkers in the field of conflict, will join with Core's founder and senior mediator, John Sturrock, for… Continue reading A Day of Storytelling with Ken Cloke
A Pop-Up Mediation: Multi-Party Dialogue using Mediation
Following Nicola Sturgeon's recent announcement of the intention to start putting procedures for a second referendum on Scottish independence before the Scottish Parliament, around thirty people from a wide cross section of society (mostly from Scotland but also from other parts of Europe and the US) met on 25 May 2017 to have a facilitated… Continue reading A Pop-Up Mediation: Multi-Party Dialogue using Mediation
A Pop-Up Mediation Evening – Brexit: A Constitutional Crisis?
The UK and Scottish Governments – and other devolved administrations – seem to be at loggerheads over how to deal with Brexit – how might a mediation approach deal with the problem? During the Referendum on possible Scottish Independence, Collaborative Scotland and Core Solutions hosted a number of events to illustrate how a different approach… Continue reading A Pop-Up Mediation Evening – Brexit: A Constitutional Crisis?