Articles and Resources

Towards a Better Environment for Policy-Making – John Sturrock
Contemporary politics is perceived by many to be polarising, positional, parochial, unnecessarily partisan, antagonistic and often unhelpfully adversarial. This can be attributed to a number of historical and behavioural factors, including the primacy of political parties, the often binary (yes/no, right/wrong) nature of political decision-making, relatively unsophisticated argument, over-emphasis on debate, and personalisation of issues… Continue reading Towards a Better Environment for Policy-Making – John Sturrock

Better Conversations Bus Tour Report
Collaborative Scotland is delighted to announce the publication of the Better Conversations Bus Tour report. Last October, the Better Conversations Bus visited 16 communities in the north and west Highlands. The Report contains Collaborative Scotland’s findings and recommendations. Better Conversations Bus Tour Final Report is available here and there will be launch events held (by invitation… Continue reading Better Conversations Bus Tour Report