Read more about events in Tongue, Durness and Kinlochbervie on Wednesday 25 October 2017
Project Type: Events
Wick and Thurso – Tues 24.10.17
Read more about events in Wick and Thurso on Tuesday 24 October 2017
Dornoch, Lairg and Brora – Mon 23.10.17
Read more about events in Dornoch, Lairg and Brora on Monday 23 October 2017
A Day of Storytelling with Ken Cloke
Date: Friday, 29 September 2017 Time: Networking breakfast from 9am. Event will start formally at 9.45am and will conclude at 3.30pm. Venue: Scottish Storytelling Centre, 43-45 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1SR CPD: 5 hours Ken Cloke, one of the leading writers and thinkers in the field of conflict, will join with Core's founder and senior mediator, John Sturrock, for… Continue reading A Day of Storytelling with Ken Cloke
A Pop-Up Mediation Evening – Brexit: A Constitutional Crisis?
The UK and Scottish Governments – and other devolved administrations – seem to be at loggerheads over how to deal with Brexit – how might a mediation approach deal with the problem? During the Referendum on possible Scottish Independence, Collaborative Scotland and Core Solutions hosted a number of events to illustrate how a different approach… Continue reading A Pop-Up Mediation Evening – Brexit: A Constitutional Crisis?
Multi-Party Dialogue on the Challenge of Climate Change
Date: Friday 29 May 2015 As we head for the vital COP conference in Paris in December 2015, how can we engage diverse groups in a meaningful discussion about the real interests and issues which the challenge of global warming presents? Join us for a day-long event in which everyone participates, alongside subject matter experts,… Continue reading Multi-Party Dialogue on the Challenge of Climate Change
Multi-Party Dialogue on the Challenge of Climate Change
Date: Friday 29 May 2015 As we head for the vital COP conference in Paris in December 2015, how can we engage diverse groups in a meaningful discussion about the real interests and issues which the challenge of global warming presents? Join us for a day-long event in which everyone participates, alongside subject matter experts,… Continue reading Multi-Party Dialogue on the Challenge of Climate Change
Multi-Party Dialogue
Thursday 30 October 2014, 6-9.30pm Edinburgh Training Centre, 16 St Mary's St A Mediated Multi-Party Dialogue about what powers Scotland should now have, in light of the work of the Smith Commission. The session will include: discussion of how to prepare for a multi-party mediation; identification of the parties; conversations in groups, representing the parties… Continue reading Multi-Party Dialogue
Day of Dialogue
The Referendum: Respect and Reconciliation | Thursday 4 September 2014 Click here for the video recording of the Master Class with William Ury. View Programme The Day of Dialogue took place exactly two weeks prior to the referendum, to encourage people to reflect on how to handle the lead up to the referendum, and to look… Continue reading Day of Dialogue
A Dialogue on the Future of Scotland
Date: Wednesday 21st May 2014 Time: 5.30-9.30 Venue: Edinburgh Training Centre, St Mary’s Street An evening Dialogue on the Future of Scotland. This will take the form of facilitated conversations, with all those taking part having the opportunity to experience playing the roles of some of the various interested parties in the discussions about the future:… Continue reading A Dialogue on the Future of Scotland