Our events aim to encourage better conversations through respectful dialogue in the expectation that out of this will come better solutions to some of the most difficult issues we face nationally and locally, corporately and individually.
Events in 2019

The Sectarian Divide in Scotland – how bad is it and do recent events mark a low point?
Collaborative Scotland: Conversation2019 Date: Thursday, 31 January 2019Time: 17:30 – 20:00, with a light supperLocation: GlasgowVenue: TBC

Collaborative Scotland: Conversation 2019
Date: Thursday, 31 January 2019 Time: 17:30 – 20:00, with a light supper Location: Glasgow Venue: TBC

Public Spending and Taxation – what do we need to pay for and how do we raise it?
Collaborative Scotland: Conversation2019 Date: Thursday, 28 February 2019 Time: 17:30 – 20:00, with a light supper Location: Edinburgh Venue: TBC

Future Constitutional Arrangements in the British Isles – how can we be really creative?
Collaborative Scotland: Conversation2019 Date: Thursday, 21 March 2019 Time: 17:30 – 20:00, with a light supper Location: Edinburgh Venue: TBC
Events in 2018

A “Pop Up Mediation”: A Very Real Family Problem: A Political Allegory
Join us for a “Pop Up Mediation” Grassmarket Community Project 86 Candlemaker Row | EH1 2QA Edinburgh | United Kingdom Thursday, June 14, 2018 from 5:45 PM to 9:30 PM

Recommendations of the BCBT
The reality is that the reduction in public funding is likely to continue and this means that it seems imperative to encourage greater local creativity. Our recommendations focus more on process than substance.
Events in 2017

Better Conversations Bus Tour 2017
In October 2017, Collaborative Scotland organised a series of public events and business breakfasts and other events in the north-west of Scotland as part of our Better Conversations Bus Tour.

A Day of Storytelling with Ken Cloke
Date: Friday, 29 September 2017 Time: Networking breakfast from 9am. Event will start formally at 9.45am and will conclude at 3.30pm. Venue: Scottish Storytelling Centre, 43-45 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1SR

A Pop-Up Mediation: Multi-Party Dialogue using Mediation
Following Nicola Sturgeon’s recent announcement of the intention to start putting procedures for a second referendum on Scottish independence before the Scottish Parliament, around thirty people from a wide cross section of society (mostly from Scotland but also from other parts of Europe and the US) met on 25 May 2017 to have a facilitated… Continue reading A Pop-Up Mediation: Multi-Party Dialogue using Mediation

A Pop-Up Mediation Evening – Brexit: A Constitutional Crisis?
The UK and Scottish Governments – and other devolved administrations – seem to be at loggerheads over how to deal with Brexit – how might a mediation approach deal with the problem?
Events from 2014 and 2015

Why didn’t we have this conversation a year ago?
24-27 August 2015: Mediating Conversations about Conflict at the Festival Fringe: The Church, the Constitution and the Climate

Multi-Party Dialogue on the Challenge of Climate Change
Date: Friday 29 May 2015 As we head for the vital COP conference in Paris in December 2015, how can we engage diverse groups in a meaningful discussion about the real interests and issues which the challenge of global warming presents?

Multi-Party Dialogue on the Challenge of Climate Change
Date: Friday 29 May 2015 As we head for the vital COP conference in Paris in December 2015, how can we engage diverse groups in a meaningful discussion about the real interests and issues which the challenge of global warming presents?

Multi-Party Dialogue
Thursday 30 October 2014, 6-9.30pm Edinburgh Training Centre, 16 St Mary’s St

Day of Dialogue
The Referendum: Respect and Reconciliation | Thursday 4 September 2014 Click here for the video recording of the Master Class with William Ury.

A Dialogue on the Future of Scotland
Date: Wednesday 21st May 2014 Time: 5.30-9.30 Venue: Edinburgh Training Centre, St Mary’s Street